@Kulturzentrum 4lthangrund (Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien)
Cycling should be for everyone! There are many good things in life and riding a well adjusted bike is one of them. It can feel very empowering. Even more empowering is learning how to fix your bike yourself or testing your limits in a bike race.
RidersCollective in collaboration with Velo Peaches and 4lthangrund invite you to the FLINTA* only bike repair workshop and Alleycat bike race! Followed by the Spill it! - Monthly Riders Hangout! - Open to everyone.
The program:
14:00-16:00 Bike repair workshop by Velo Peaches (FLINTA* only)
@Kulturzentrum 4lthangrund / Alte Mensa, room Cafe (1st floor, access through the ramp)
Come and learn how to make small repairs to your bike and/or tune it up for the Alleycat race that follows. This workshop is for FLINTA* only and free of charge! Bring yourself and your bike. No booking required, but space is limited to a maximum of 20 people, so first come first served.
Alleycat bike race (FLINTA* only)
@ Kulturzentrum 4lthangrund / Hütte (small wooden hut outside)
15:30-16:30 Registration
16:30 Start of the race
Whether you're an experienced cyclist or a first-timer, it's a great chance to test your urban navigation skills!
16:30-19:00 Reflectors short movie mix
@Kulturzentrum 4lthangrund / Alte Mensa, room Cafe (1st floor, access through the ramp)
If you don't want to (or can't) ride the Alleycat, you can enjoy a mix of short films from previous Reflectors - RidersCollective cinema events.
19:00-00:00 Spill it! - Monthly Riders Hangout! (open to everybody)
+ Alleycat winners get prizes!
@Kulturzentrum 4lthangrund / Alte Mensa, room Cafe (1st floor, access through the ramp)
Cycling can be a lonely activity, but it doesn't have to be. Come and meet other bike messengers, couriers and hobby cyclists and hang out together with some nice drinks on a donation basis. There will be food for the hungry cyclists and prizes for the Alleycat winners!
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* FLINTA stands for Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Non-binary, Trans and Agender.
How to reach Kulturzentrum 4lthangrund: https://www.4lthangrund.jetzt/zugang-zu-4lthangrund/
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The event is organised by RidersCollective in cooperation with 4lthangrund and Velo Peaches.
The event is partially funded by Stadt Wien | Kultur and is part of 4lthangrund’’s yearly program “Kulturzentrum 4 Alle”.