
Disclosure for ÖGB websites and newsletters
(also applies to ÖGB trade unions)

media owner
Austrian Trade Union Federation
Johann-Böhm-Platz 1
A-1020 Vienna
ZVR Number: 576439352
DVR-No.: 0046655

Telephone: +43/1/534 44-0

Association purpose:
The Austrian Trade Union Confederation (hereinafter referred to as ÖGB) is a professional association of workers built on a democratic, non-partisan basis and based on voluntary membership.
It includes all employees (workers, employees, public employees, including persons of both sexes in a teaching or similar relationship). In addition, the following groups of people are represented: unemployed people who were already employed or who have not yet been able to pursue employment; young students and students who intend to become employed; members of other professional groups (such as freelancers, freelancers, atypical or precarious workers), insofar as their work is comparable with the employed workers; as well as retired or retired formerly employed workers.
The ÖGB represents the social, economic and cultural interests of the specified group of people.

ÖGB Board:
Wolfgang Katzian, Korinna Schumann, Norbert Schnedl, Ingrid Reischl, Willi Mernyi, Karl Dürtscher, Ilse Fetik, Claudia Frieben, Monika Gabriel, Roman Hebenstreit, Susanne Hofer, Christa Hörmann, Helmut Köstinger, Vera Koller Peter Maschat, Roland Pichler, Christian Meidlinger, Josef Muchitsch, Wolfgang Pischinger, Barbara Teiber, Werner Thum, Elisabeth Vondrasek, Rainer Wimmer, Bettina Zopf

Basic direction:
The basic direction corresponds to the principles set out in the statutes and rules of procedure of the Austrian Trade Union Federation (as amended by the 19th Federal Congress of the ÖGB).

All content has been carefully checked. Notwithstanding this, no guarantee can be given that the information is correct, complete and up to date.

All texts, graphics and images are protected by copyright; use is only permitted with the express permission of the Austrian Trade Union Federation.

Links to this website are welcome as long as they are listed as external links and complete pages (including navigation frame) are reproduced. Transferring the main window to a frame of the link setter is prohibited. Your own links to external sites and links to third-party downloads only provide directions to these pages/downloads; they are therefore regularly displayed in a separate browser window via an external link. The publisher expressly does not identify himself with the content of the pages/downloads to which reference is made and assumes no liability for this. Should one of the pages/downloads to which reference is made contain questionable content, notification is requested; in such a case, the link/link to the download will be immediately deleted.