Sick pay/sick pay for freelancers — How to

Sick pay for free service contract (FD Freier Dienstvertrag)- How to?

Have you had an accident and can't work for a few days? Did you get wet in the recent rain and now have a cold and therefore can't (and shouldn't) continue cycling or working? Or have you injured yourself and are now unable to work for the next few days? 

With a free service contract, you are entitled to sickness benefit if you have worked above the marginal earnings threshold, or if you have self-insured yourself below the marginal earnings threshold. 

But beware: you are only entitled to sickness benefit from the fourth day of sick leave. This means that you must be registered sick for more than 3 days to be entitled to sickness benefit at all.

In order to claim, you must obtain a sick note from your doctor!

How much sick pay do I get?

Below the marginal earnings threshold (less than 518,44 euros per month)

From the 4th day of sick leave, you will receive 6 euros a day in sick pay, but only if you are self-insured. (You have to apply at the Gesundheitskasse for that if you want that)

Above the marginal earnings threshold (over 518,44 euros per month)

From the 4th day of sick leave until the 42nd day you will receive 50% of the gross salary average of the last three months, after the 42nd day 60% of the gross salary average of the last three months. 

Please note: This does not include the kilometre allowance!

How do I apply for sickness benefit?

What documents do I need to obtain before applying?

You will need the following documents to submit your sickness benefit application:

- Sick note/notification of incapacity to work from your doctor

- Findings from your doctor

- Confirmation of work and pay for sick pay ("Arbeits- und Entgeltbestätigung für Krankengeld “) from your employer

o At Foodora: Create a ticket and ask for the "Arbeits- und Entgeltbestätigung für Krankengeld “ (Confirmation of work and remuneration for sick pay) to be issued. Foodora often sends this directly to the health insurance company, but ask for a copy to be sure.

Example text (In German):

Liebes Foodora-Team.
Für eine Auszahlung meines Krankengeldes brauche ich schnellstmöglich eine „Arbeits- und Entgeltbestätigung für Krankengeld“ von euch. Ich bitte euch diese an die Krankenkasse und als Kopie an mich zu senden damit mir das Krankengeld schnellstmöglich ausgezahlt werden kann.
Vielen Dank,

For Wolt: Send an e-mail to and ask for the " Arbeits- und Entgeltbestätigung für Krankengeld” (Confirmation of employment and remuneration for sick pay) to be issued. Wolt should send this to the health insurance fund, but also ask for a copy so that you can present it.

Example text:

Liebes Wolt-Team.
Für eine Auszahlung meines Krankengeldes brauche ich schnellstmöglich eine „Arbeits- und Entgeltbestätigung für Krankengeld“ von euch. Ich bitte euch diese an die Krankenkasse und als Kopie an mich zu senden damit mir das Krankengeld schnellstmöglich ausgezahlt werden kann.
Vielen Dank,

Once you have received the sick note, your doctor's findings and the "confirmation of work and pay for sick pay", please send these documents by e-mail to the ÖGK (Österreichische Gesundheitskasse) depending on your work place.

- Vienna:

- Tyrol:

- Salzburg:

- Styria:

- Vorarlberg:

- Upper Austria:

- Lower Austria:

- Carinthia:

- Burgenland:

They will process your application for sick pay and then get in touch with you. Please note that payment is made every 4 weeks in arrears. If your sick leave expires or is terminated prematurely, your doctor will automatically report this to the health insurance fund, but it is advisable to report this yourself by email to avoid repayment of excess sick pay.

Example text:

Sehr geehrte ÖGK!

Ich beantrage als freier Dienstnehmer Krankengeld. Im Anhang finden Sie alle benötigten Unterlagen (Krankschreibung, Befund sowie Arbeits- und Entgeltbestätigung für freie Dienstnehmer). Meine Kontonummer lautet: IBAN XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX.

Vielen Dank, mit freundlichen Grüßen


Further information and sources: