special leave

Special leave is an additional day to your normal vacation entitlement of 5 weeks a year. You can only take the special leave in special cases!

My child has suddenly become ill - what can I do?

As a parent, you are entitled to one week of care leave per working year, this also applies to immediate relatives or if the caregiver is ill and the child still needs to be cared for. If this is used up, you can also spend vacation on it yourself without the employer's consent, but you must inform the employer of this immediately!

Who are close relatives?

Close relatives include spouses, registered partners and partners, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, biological children, elected and foster children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as biological children of spouses, registered partners and partners living in the same household.

You can find more detailed information over here

Am I still entitled to days off for other events?

Yes, with an employment relationship. Thanks to the collective agreement, you have various rights: 2 days in case of your own marriage, 2 days if the partner is born, provided that there is at least 6 months of cohabitation, 3 days if the partner or child dies, 2 days if the parents or siblings move with their own furniture, 1 day, participation in the funeral of grandparents or in-laws 1 day, participation in the marriage of the children, siblings and parents 1 day.
